Please find information and our Ofsted report from our most recent inspection in November 2023 below:
Overall effectiveness of the school Grade: Outstanding
“The school’s vision is that all pupils who attend will ‘Shine in Little Ways’. However, the school does this in a big way. Staff ensure that all pupils are given the opportunity to shine. There are many opportunities for pupils to achieve, both academically and in the wider curriculum.”
“Pupils behave exceptionally well. Lessons are purposeful. Pupils work hard without interruption or distraction. Attitudes to learning are overwhelmingly positive. Many pupils speak of their love of the subjects that they study. Pupils are very confident that staff will swiftly resolve any issues that may arise. Pupils report that staff have a ‘sixth sense’ and know when they need help or support.”
“The curriculum is extremely well designed and fully implemented by staff. From the early years to Year 6 the curriculum is designed to build on prior learning. The order in which pupils will learn new knowledge and revisit previous knowledge is precise and clear. Staff are ambitious that all pupils will become experts in each subject.”